A big thank you to Shirley Melloh, Second Helpings’ Volunteer of the Month for April!

Shirley is a Tuesday evening volunteer; she is part of an amazing group of volunteers that serves every Tuesday evening. Shirley has been a great friend to Second Helpings, also volunteering with our Corks and Forks event. She recorded a video promoting Second Helpings for her employer Roche, which awarded Second Helpings a financial donation. Thanks, Shirley, for your dedication to the mission here at Second Helpings!

Read more from Shirley in her own words below.

How did you become involved in Second Helpings?

I used to work in this building when it was a printing company. I was curious what had moved into the building after I changed jobs, when the printer moved to Beech Grove. I Googled the address and saw the Second Helpings site. After reading their mission, I wanted to get involved.

What types of things have you done since you began volunteering with us?

I have chopped vegetables, operated the tilt skillet, various events, and anything that needed to be done.

What have you liked best about volunteering with us?

Knowing I am making a difference in our community’s wellbeing. The camaraderie with my fellow volunteers. We really enjoy our Tuesday evening shifts. The entire staff is so appreciative of all volunteers, and thanks us frequently.

What are you most proud of accomplishing through your volunteer work here?

I am in my 13th year volunteering with Second Helpings. When I see the sheer numbers of food rescued, repurposed, and served, I feel a sense of pride knowing I contributed.

What do you do when you are not volunteering with us?

Gardening, bowling, reading, crafts.

What would people be surprised to know about you?

I read about 35 books per year. Also, I am a Master Gardener.