Wills & Bequests through FreeWill

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Do you have a will? Everyone should make a will or living trust, regardless of age or wealth. With a valid will, you can choose who gets your property, name guardians for your children, provide a home for your pets, and more. When you create or update your will, you can look after your loved ones and give them an easy map to follow – it provides peace of mind! When you write a will, you can also preserve your legacy by leaving a part of your estate to a charitable organization and making an impact on the causes you love, for years to come.

We’re excited to share FreeWill with you as a way to make estate planning easier than ever. FreeWill’s tool allows you to write a legal will online – completely for free – and can take 20 minutes or less to complete.

You can use this resource on its own, use it to document your wishes before finalizing your plans with an attorney. This tool is valid in all 50 states, and if you choose to create a charitable gift as part of this process, FreeWill makes it simple to include all the necessary language to support Second Helpings with a bequest (but making a gift is not a requirement to use this free tool).

You can also use FreeWill to easily plan beneficiaries for your assets in one place.

Do you have questions about FreeWill or planned giving? Call Katie Prine, our Chief Relationship Officer, at (317) 632-2664, ext. 138, or email at katie@secondhelpings.org.

Have you already included a gift in your will or trust? Please fill out this form to let us know! We would love to thank you for your generosity.