Planned Giving

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Interested in helping Second Helpings fight hunger from all angles now and well into the future? You can create a meaningful and lasting legacy by making a planned gift to Second Helpings.  

Planned giving doesn’t have to be complicated; it can be as easy as choosing to list Second Helpings as a beneficiary of a retirement fund or life insurance policy, for example, or including Second Helpings for a gift in your will.  

Here are several ways you can make a planned gift to Second Helpings: 

Make a bequest – a bequest is simply a gift made as part of a will or trust. We partner with Freewill, an online service with a goal to make estate planning accessible and cost-free for all. This tool is legally valid in all 50 states and Washington DC, with language specifically tailored to your jurisdiction. Learn more.

Beneficiary Designations – consider making a legacy gift through a beneficiary designation on a retirement fund or life insurance policy. This is often as easy as completing a form, and you can also specify the percentage of the assets you’d like each beneficiary to receive.

IRA Charitable Rollover Gifts –  A charitable individual retirement account (IRA) rollover gift can be an ideal option for people 70½ and older, since it allows you to make a gift to Second Helpings without the distribution counting as taxable income. This giving option is a direct contribution made from your traditional or Roth IRA to a public charity like Second Helpings, and it is an excellent option if you don’t normally itemize your charitable deductions.

Charitable Gift Annuities – we partner with Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) to offer charitable gift annuities. If you are interested in creating an income stream of secure, fixed payments for life and supporting Second Helpings in the process, please let us know.

Donor Stories – Several Second Helpings supporters like you have shared stories about why they have made planned gifts to Second Helpings; read more about them here. 

Join the Second Helpings Legacy Society – We invite you to join this compassionate group of philanthropists and help us shape Central Indiana through the transformative power of food. 

If you’d like to discuss how you can impact food rescue, hunger relief, and culinary job training programs for our community through a planned gift, please contact Katie Prine, our Chief Relationship Officer, at 317-632-2664, ext. 138.

Have you already arranged for a bequest or other planned gift to benefit Second Helpings’ mission? We would like to honor your support and include you in the Legacy Society. Click hereto let us know your intentions.