Here at Second Helpings, there are hundreds of volunteers who work daily in many different areas in the organization. Without them and other supporters, Second Helpings could not do what it does. Below are listed our volunteering opportunities – if you are a current volunteer, where do you work and what’s your favorite part about it? If you support Second Helpings in other ways, where would you volunteer if you could? Comment below the post or on social media with your favorite role and why you chose it!

Kitchen Assistant – Want to chop meat or veggies, stir ingredients in the tilt skillet, or pan and label food for tasty meals? The volunteers in the hunger relief kitchen prepare 4,000 meals every day!

What is your favorite volunteer role at Second Helpings?

Driver/Driver Companion – These volunteers deliver meals, bread, desserts, fruit, and other food items to 85 partner agencies dedicated to serving Indianapolis!

What is your favorite volunteer role at Second Helpings?

Bread Sorter – Who decides where the bounties of bread go? Volunteers sort through large amounts of bread and desserts and prepare it to go those 85 partner agencies.

What is your favorite volunteer role at Second Helpings?

Food Rescue – Want to help staff rescue huge amounts of food? Food rescue volunteers visit many generous food donors throughout the city and help sort that food when they return to Second Helpings.

What is your favorite volunteer role at Second Helpings?

Hub Volunteer – How does Hub Coordinator Melissa York sort through the millions of pounds of rescued food received in the back? With the help of the Hub volunteers!

Front Desk/Clerical – The front desk crew are the first, friendly faces people see when they first enter Second Helpings! Other volunteers perform essential clerical work.

Events – Want to help Second Helpings at its unique events? You can volunteer at Tonic Ball, the rockin music event in Fountain Square. Or, try Souper Bowls, where local chefs compete to win the award for best soup. Or try Corks & Forks, an incredible evening in Bankers Life Fieldhouse with delicious food, tasty drinks, and amazing auction experiences.

What’s your favorite volunteer position, or is there one we haven’t listed? Let us know! If you’re interested in trying out any of these volunteer position, submit your volunteer application today.

Written by Abby Rolland