It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you our May Volunteer of the Month Uma Kuchibhotla. Uma is amazing! Her service to the mission of Second Helpings shows in everything she does, from chopping vegetables on Monday and Friday, to spreading the work we do at Second Helpings. Uma continues to be one of our biggest cheerleaders and supporters. We are so grateful for her time, talents, and treasures. Thank you, Uma, for all you do here at Second Helpings!

How did you become involved in Second Helpings?

We first heard of SH through a United Way Campaign, and my significant other has been a volunteer since 2013.

What types of things have you done since you began volunteering with us?

I have spent most of my time as a produce chopper and had the wonderful opportunity to lead some groups. I also tried a stint as front- desk volunteer and currently am on the Advisory Council.

What have you liked best about volunteering with us?

Working with amazing volunteers and staff, many of them have now become good friends.

What are you most proud of accomplishing through your volunteer work here?

Helping a little bit with accomplishing all three aspects of the Second Helpings mission.

What do you do when you’re not volunteering with us?

Reading; when weather permits, gardening; visiting National Parks and other places of natural beauty.

Do you volunteer for any other organization?

We helped start Ekam Indy, which is part of a National group and focuses on engaging kids in volunteering with their families both locally and to help the underprivileged in India. Many of the Ekam kids got engaged in volunteering at Second Helpings before the pandemic and are eagerly waiting for the day when they can return.

What would people be surprised to know about you?

I enjoy applying my scientific training to my gardening experiments.