I am so happy to present our February Volunteer of the Month Sophie Lindley. Sophie is a fantastic addition to the Second Helpings family. It is always so great to see her radiant smile, and her willingness to help when called upon. Thank you, Sophie, for the great energy you bring to Second Helpings. Congratulations! Learn more about Sophie in her own words below.

How did you become involved in Second Helpings?

I first learned about Second Helpings through a co-worker at the National Dairy Council.

What things have you done since you began volunteering with us?

I mainly work as a produce or meat chopper with the Tuesday evening crew. I have also enjoyed my time working with families as they bring their children to learn about and work at Second Helpings. I have volunteered for some other events such as Corks & Forks, Tonic Ball, and IndyVolved. I have also enjoyed getting to know the other members of the First Course Young Professionals Group.

What have you liked best about volunteering with us?

I have really enjoyed working with the families. It is fun to hang out with kids as they learn and get excited about serving others.

What are you most proud of accomplishing through your volunteer work here?

I think the relationships I have built in my time at Second Helpings would be my largest accomplishment. It is really great to work alongside others that are volunteering or those that have committed their career to this important work. I am grateful to get to know all the people associated with Second Helpings.

What do you do when you’re not volunteering with us?

I enjoy spending time outside and with my family and friends. I also work in the foodservice department for the Westfield School District.

Do you volunteer for any other organizations?

I have recently begun working with the Emmaus Ministry at St. Johns Catholic Church. The Emmaus Ministry works to serve the individuals in Indianapolis without houses.

What would people be surprised to know about you?

Even more so than repurposing food, I have a huge passion for growing food. I love gardening and learning about how we can better invest in our soil health to produce the most nutritious food.