Toni volunteering at the Second Helpings front desk

I am so happy to announce our Volunteer of the Month is Toni Winstead! Toni has been a rock star, especially during COVID, never missing a beat, stepping in to go above and beyond to make sure our communities are fed. Toni sees a need without hesitation, and answers the call – often filling in when there is a shift open. We are so fortunate to have Toni as a part of the Second Helpings family. Toni, congratulations on 2,230+ service hours, here’s to many more hours spent at Second Helpings. Thank you, Toni, for all you do!

Toni came to Second Helpings in 2012 when she saw an article in Indianapolis Monthly. After reading the article Toni was very impressed with our mission. She immediately went online and signed up for the Volunteer Orientation, “and the rest is history,” Toni jokes.

“Even after all this time, I can’t say enough about the wonderful staff and the other volunteers. The staff make all the volunteers feel appreciated, and we appreciate all that the staff does every day.”

Toni started volunteering in the Hunger Relief kitchen on Monday mornings, which she says is her favorite place to serve. After a few years, Toni expanded her time serving in other areas, volunteering at the Front Desk, which was a big change from serving in the kitchen. She works at the Front Desk on Friday mornings. In addition to answering the phone and buzzing folks in, she also helps with data entry. Occasionally she has been a Driver Companion, as well as helping with events.

The thing Toni likes most about volunteering at Second Helpings is seeing firsthand what a great organization it is, and to be a part of the mission.

“Any time I can spend some of my day at Second Helpings is a good day, and I look forward to volunteering many more years.”