I’m excited to introduce Bob Zeronik, our Volunteer of the Month for April! Bob has been a great addition to our amazing team of Meal Delivery Drivers and Companions. We are so happy he chooses Second Helpings as a place to serve.

Bob, thanks for your light, kindness, and dedication to Second Helpings’ mission, especially filling in when others are absent. YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR! Our whole team appreciates you.

Learn more about Bob in his own words below.

How did you become involved with Second Helpings?

My neighbor, Nick Taylor

What things have you done since you began volunteering with us?

I started as a driver companion, and now I do the driving too!

What have you liked best about volunteering with us?

The people I volunteer with!

What are you most proud of accomplishing through your volunteer work here?

Becoming a better organizer in the Netlogx van.

What do you do when you’re not volunteering with us?

I enjoy working in my yard, hunting, fishing; making homemade soups; watching British crime series with my wife.

Do you volunteer for any other organization?

I help cook monthly breakfast for Indianapolis Fire Fighter retirees, Local 416 union.

What would people be surprised to know about you?

I have an identical twin brother.